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Answered: Sep 16, 2020

Yeah, I agree to the above comment. Philosophia is the right term that defines love of wisdom. This word is the combination of philos and sophia which means love of wisdom.

Mia Thomson
Answered: Oct 31, 2017
Game of Thrones Season 7 only had seven (7) episodes. This is 3 episodes shorter than the previous seasons which all had 10 episodes each. The seventh season of Game of Thrones premiered on July...Read More
M. Krasinski, Content Writer
Answered: May 06, 2020
There are a lot of differences between humans and machines. In fact, these differences do not require any logical thinking as they are very simple to state out. First, humans are natural...Read More
E. Austin
Answered: Jun 18, 2019
The answer to the question depends on what is meant by being "the best". The United States has "the best" vaccination programs. A 2009 report revealed that the US held the record for having the...Read More
J. Emmerich, Web Content Writer
Answered: Oct 16, 2018
It is true that identical twins form from one egg. They share some similarities when it comes to their DNA but fingerprints cannot be considered entirely as a genetic characteristic. This means...Read More
E. Dixon
Answered: Aug 16, 2019
A lot of people know the difference between video and audio because of their purposes. Video refers to what you can see. This means that the shows that you watch on television are usually in...Read More
C. Lucan, Copywriter
Answered: Jun 07, 2020
Preacher and pastor are two different terms that are usually used in the Christian faith, even interchangeably. They can be correct when used interchangeably sometimes, and can still be wrong...Read More
J. Pollock, Science Professor
Answered: Aug 06, 2019
Most people think the word "alcohol" is the same as "liquor" but this is not the case. In fact, people use them interchangeably because they think these words mean the same thing. However,...Read More
Robert Hazlewood, Senior Executive
Answered: Jul 29, 2019
The festival of Eid al Adha denotes the end of Hajj, which is the yearly journey to Mecca the holy city. Muslims around the world celebrate the festival, which occurs on the 10th day of Dhu al...Read More
D. Peter, Software Developer
Answered: May 15, 2020
The simple term COVID-19 stands for Corona (CO) Virus (VI) Disease (D) and 19(2019), which is the year of its first hit. Coronavirus was reported to the World Health Organization on Decemb...Read More
M. Krasinski, Content Writer
Answered: Jul 08, 2020
Svo2 is an acronym for Mixed venous saturation of oxygen, while Scvo2 is an acronym for central venous oxygen saturation. Svo2 is the percentage of oxygen left in the venous blood that is r...Read More
Answered: Feb 08, 2018
To determine the best computer programming language, one would have to look at the criteria to determine the best. So, one should look at those programming languages that are the highest in...Read More
Carice Snow, Motivator
Answered: Jun 18, 2020
The first thing that you need to know about SAP memory and ABAP memory is they are both used when you would like to transfer data between two internal sessions within the main session available....Read More