The answer to this is Mandibular lateral incisor. You will know that this is the type of tooth that is found in your office based on its appearance. If you are not sure what this tooth is in layman’s terms, it is one of your bottom teeth in front. The main goal of this type of tooth is to make sure that the food that you eat will be properly cut and sheared.
The more that you chew with the use of this tooth along with your other teeth, the better the food will be prepared to be digested by your digestive system. You will know that you are looking at this type of tooth when there are no cusps that are available. The other type of teeth has certain characteristics that will make them easy to distinguish.
A cingulum is a large, rounded eminence on the lingual surface of all permanent and primary anterior teeth.
Anterior teeth with centered cingulum:
-maxillary larteral incisor
-Maxillary canine
-Mandibular central incisor
Anterior teeth that have an offcentered cingulum (located more distal:)
-Maxillary central incisor
-Mandibular Lateral incisor
-Mandibular canine
Note: the total number of cingula in each dentition is twelve (6 max, and 6 man)