There are many websites available like data entry jobs. You can also choose a domain and continue freelancing from your home. Just google a little bit and you can able to find many results but be careful before joining.
Try running a business at home. In my case, I sellmy homemade stuff online. it's very easy and convenient as I receive orders while I still get to do my house routine. Just make sure to monitor frequently, always respond to inquiries immediately and get a good internet connection to stay active and check for updates.
Due to the increase in technology, there are now more ways to make money from home. This helps people who are single parents and they need to stay at home with their young children. Some of the jobs that you can do from home include tutoring or teaching. There are now online schools where both the teachers and students work at home. You can conduct a tutoring session online as well.
The student can see and hear the teacher. Other jobs may include writing. You can write resumes and other stories for money. Telemarketers can also get jobs at home by having the phone number routed to their home phone. Then the person can answer questions for the customers who call in.