For most patients who cannot accomplish a reasonable oral intake from food, oral nutritional supplements, or who cannot eat and drink safely, they might be given proper nutrition through nasogastric tube feeding. This procedure aims to improve every patient’s nutritional intake and sustain a healthy balance.
Nasogastric tubes are typically used in patients who are suffering from dysphagia because they cannot meet nutritional needs through food modifications and because of the possibility of aspiration. The nasogastric tube is connected to suction to enable decompression by removing stomach contents.
Gastric decompression is indicated for bowel obstruction and paralytic ileus and when surgery is performed on the stomach or intestine.
NGT stands for a nasogastric tube. This is a type of tube that is inserted into the person’s nostril and it will be moved downwards towards the bottom portion of the nasal passage, going downwards further until it reaches the stomach. Its main goal is to start suctioning the contents of the stomach.
Most of the things that will be removed are the gastrointestinal secretions and even excess air swallowed by the patients. There will be a Salem pump that will be placed on the end of the tube that is not inserted in the person’s body and once this pump provides the needed suction, the contents of the stomach will then be suctioned and placed in tubes.
Most patients who cannot obtain a reasonable and sufficient oral intake from food, oral nutritional supplements, or who cannot eat, and drink safely may be given the appropriate nutrition through nasogastric tube feeding. A nasogastric tube is used in patients suffering from dysphagia due to their failure to meet nutritional needs despite food modifications and the likelihood of aspiration. .
Nasogastric intubation uses a thin, plastic tube inserted into the nostril toward the esophagus and down to the stomach. Tubes that go from the nostrils into the duodenum or jejunum are called nasoenteric tubes. The length of these tubes can either be medium or long. By inserting an NG tube, you gain an entry or direct correlation to the stomach and its contents.
NGT or Nasogastric Tubes are used majorly during certain medical procedures. They are used mostly in patients who cannot drink or eat safely so that they can also get proper nutrition. Most times, nasogastric tubes are used by healthcare professionals to gain access to the content of the stomach to remove gastric contents. It can also be used to decompress the stomach and to prevent aspiration and vomiting. The insertion of the nasogastric tubes starts from the nostril, passes through the esophagus, and extends into the stomach. Once this has been done, it makes it easier for healthcare professionals to deliver medicine and food to the stomach of the patient. Patients always feel a little discomfort with this method, which is why the usage of suction is highly recommended. When connecting the NGT to suction, you need to be familiar with the usage of the suction and know the right pressure to use.