When a user sends an email requesting an ssl we should respond with the following canned message: thank you for contacting the pki help desk, veterans affairs (va) public key infrastructure (pki) has modified the intake method for secure socket layer (ssl) and transport layer security (tls) certificate requests. The new intake method changes the process to a single user interface for all types of requests; specifically internal, external and federal trust certificate types. Overview the new request process will increase the data quality and speed at which va pki can issue certificates to va users and administrators for systems. This will also allow va pki to better service certificates requests. changes https://vaww.pki.va.gov has a new page added to the left navigation menu, called ssl/tls requests.
This is the primary engagement point for all items related to ssl/tls requests. Information and other links are provided at this site. Administrators will be required to make use of the new intake process which eliminates email requests to the va pki help desk as they will stop accepting ssl/tls requests on december 1st, 2011.