Immediately stop the transfusion, infuse normal saline solution, call the physician, and notify the blood bank.-rationale: when a transfusion reaction occurs, the transfusion should be immediately stopped, normal saline solution should be infused to maintain venous access, and the physician and blood bank should be notified immediately. other nursing actions include saving the blood bag and tubing, rechecking the blood type and identification numbers on the blood tags, monitoring vital signs, obtaining necessary laboratory blood and urine samples, providing proper documentation, and monitoring and treating for shock. because they can cause red blood cell hemolysis, dextrose solutions shouldnt be infused with blood products. antihistamines are administered for a mild allergic reaction, not a hemolytic reaction.client needs category: physiological integrityclient needs subcategory: pharmacological and parenteral therapiescognitive level: applicationreference: smeltzer, s.c., et al. brunner and suddarths textbook of medical surgical-nursing, 11th ed. philadelphia: lippincott williams & wilkins, 2008, p. 1109.