Low mean corpuscular hemoglobin is the measure of the average amount of hemoglobin in each red cell. In sickled red cells the level of hemoglobin is low in the blood cells which is an indicator of sickling. Other than that, there is a positive metabisulfate test as we as positive hemoglobin SS.
This is the special hemoglobin that is present in sickle cells. Moreover, there are Howell Jowell bodies present in sickle cell anemia so they can’t be negative. The mean corpuscular value is not high. On the contrary it is low and is an indicator of sickling as well.
Low mean corpuscular hemoglobin (mch)-2. positive metabisulfate test-3. positive hemoglobin (hb) ss-rationale: sickle cell crisis typically presents with low mch and a positive metabisulfate test. mcv will be low in sickle cell anemia. presence of hbss is a definitive indicator for sickle cell anemia. a positive, not negative, howell-jolly bodies test is a definitive indicator of sickle cell anemia.client needs category: physiological integrityclient needs subcategory: reduction of risk potentialcognitive level: applicationreference: smeltzer, s.c., et. al. brunner & suddarths textbook of medical surgical-nursing, 11th ed. philadelphia: lippincott williams & wilkins, 2008, p. 1056.