Serum glucose level.-rationale: hyperglycemia, which develops from glucocorticoid excess, is a manifestation of cushings syndrome. with successful treatment of the disorder, serum glucose levels decline. hirsutism, not hair loss, is common in cushings syndrome; therefore, with successful treatment, abnormal hair growth declines.osteoporosisoccurs in cushings syndrome; therefore, with successful treatment, bone mineralization increases.amenorrheadevelops in cushings syndrome. with successful treatment, the client experiences a return of menstrual flow, not a decline in it. client needs category: physiological integrity client needs subcategory: physiological adaptation cognitive level: application reference: smeltzer, s.c., et al. brunner and suddarths textbook of medical surgical-nursing,11th ed. philadelphia: lippincott williams & wilkins, 2008, p. 1480.