Administer 2 to 3 l of i.v. fluid rapidly.-rationale: regardless of the clients medical history, rapid fluid resuscitationis critical for maintaining cardiovascular integrity. profound intravascular depletion requires aggressive fluid replacement. a typical fluid resuscitation protocol is 6 l of fluid over the first 12 hours, with more fluid to follow over the next 24 hours. various fluids can be used, depending on the degree of hypovolemia. commonly ordered fluids include dextran (in cases ofhypovolemicshock),isotonicnormal saline solution and, when the client is stabilized,hypotonichalf-normal saline solution. client needs category: physiological integrity client needs subcategory: pharmacological and parenteral therapies cognitive level: application reference: smeltzer, s.c., et al. brunner and suddarths textbook of medical surgical-nursing,11th ed. philadelphia: lippincott williams & wilkins, 2008, p. 1416.