Pints to fluid ounces (pt to fl oz) conversion factors are listed below (for US, UK and for both fluid and dry measurements). To calculate how many ounces in pints, multiply by the conversion factor or use the converter if the conversion is from US fluid pints. 1 Pint [Fluid, US] = 16 Ounces [Fluid, US], 1 Pint [Dry, US] = 18.618 Ounces [Fluid, US], 1 Pint [UK] = 20 Ounces [Fluid, UK]. There are 16 fluid ounces in a pint in US and 20 fluid ounces in an imperial pint.
It is because the imperial pints (568.261 ml) are larger than the US fluid pints (473.176 ml) but imperial ounces (28.413062 ml) are smaller than the US fluid ounces (29.573 ml). That makes, 568.261 ml / 28.413062 ml = 20 fl. ounces in an imperial pint and 473.176 ml / 29.573 ml = 16 fl. ounces in a US fluid pint. For example, to calculate how many ounces in 3 pints of water in US, multiply the pint value by the conversion factor, 3 pt * 16 = 48 fl. oz of water in 3 pints.