Pack a snowball with your hands for the bottom section. Scoop up a handful of snow with both hands. Pack it together into a round shape. Add snow to the ball in your hands until it is about one foot (30.5 cm) in diameter, or until it gets too heavy. Roll the ball along the ground to make the bottom section. Set the snowball on the ground and begin rolling it forward. As you roll, avoid making a cylinder by changing the direction you’re rolling the ball. Keep rolling until the ball is about three feet (1 meter) wide. Form the middle section.
Scoop up some snow in both hands and pack it into a tight ball. Add more snow until the ball is too heavy to carry. Put it on the ground and roll it around as you did for the bottom section. This time, stop when the ball reaches about two feet (.6 meters) wide. Lift the middle section onto the bottom section. Depending on how big you are, have someone help you lift the large ball. Bend your knees and be sure to stand up with your legs rather than your back. Pick it up and gently set it on the bottom section. Make sure that it sits right in the center of the bottom ball. Make a one foot (30.5 cm) snowball for the head. Scoop up one last ball of snow for the head.
Pack it with your hands until it is about one foot (30.5 cm) wide. You should be able to make the head without rolling it, but it’s okay to roll it if you want to. When you finish, carefully place it on top of the snowman’s body. Pack some snow between the sections. Once the three sections are in place, scoop up more snow and pack it between each section. This will give the snowman a uniform look from top to bottom, rather than looking like three snowballs piled on top of each other.