The acre is a unit of land commonly employed within North America and the Caribbean. It is equal to 4,047 square metres or 43,560 square feet. This measurement is roughly equivalent to 40 per cent of a hectare. Interestingly enough, the acre can trace its roots back to mediaeval times. It was defined as the area that could be ploughed in a single day with the help of an ox. One acre is approximately 76 per cent the size of a football field. Many suburban lots are between one-quarter and one-fifth of an acre in size.
The square foot is used as a form of measurement within Canada and the United States. It can be adopted to describe the amount of floor space (for real estate) or the overall size of an exterior property. Architects will also refer to square feet when designing new buildings. One square foot is a bit smaller than an average-sized piece of A4 printer paper. One square foot can be translated to 0.092 square metres. Sometimes, the force of the modern hydraulic press is measured in pounds per square inch or square foot.