Pints to cups conversion factors are listed below (for US, UK and for both fluid and dry measurements). To find out how many cups in pints, multiply by the conversion factor or use the converter if the conversion is from US fluid pints. 1 Pint [Fluid,US] = 2 Cups [US], 1 Pint [Dry,US] = 2.327294388 Cups [US],1 Pint [UK, Canada] = 2.273045 Cups [Metric]. There are 2 cups in a pint in both US customary and imperial (UK) measurement systems (although their volume capacities are different) and 2.5 Canadian cup in an imperial pint. But UK and Canada now uses metric cups instead of the traditional imperial and the Canadian cups and now 1 imperial (UK) pint equals to 2.273045 metric cups. For example, to calculate how many cups there are in 1.5 pints (US) of water, multiply the pint value by the conversion factor, 1.5 pt * 2 (cups in 1 pt) = 3 cups of water in 1.5 pints.
Pint is a volume unit in US customary and imperial measurement systems. In US customary, there are fluid and dry pints and in imperial system there is only one type of pint for both fluid and dry measurement. It's half of a quart and close to the half of a liter. The abbreviation for pint is "pt". Cup is a volume unit and used mostly in cooking to measure liquid and bulk, dry foods. There is no international standard for cups but mostly United States customary and metric cups are used. The abbreviation for cup is "c".