There are certain jobs in the world that require workers twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week and this lasts forever. Hospitals can’t close. Even if the weather is bad, they still must remain open and operate as efficiently as they can. Sometimes, there will be times when some of the nursing staff can’t make it to their shift.
It would be too risky for them to get to the hospital. In some instances, if the storm is forecasted, sometimes, staff is called in earlier in order to make sure that they can complete their shift. However, if the storm came on suddenly, then the charge nurse may be working with a skeleton crew. The nurse will have to do functional nursing.
Functional nursing-rationale: functional nursing best uses the skills of all staff in a timely manner during this crisis. this delivery system requires the fewest staff and delegates tasks to those who can best perform them. team nursing doesnt allow for the best use of a limited number of staff who must care for a large number of clients. primary nursing and case management require more registered nurses than are currently available.client needs category: safe, effective care environmentclient needs subcategory: management of carecognitive level: analysisreference: taylor, c., et al. fundamentals of nursing: the art and science of nursing care, 6th ed. philadelphia: lippincott williams & wilkins, 2008, p. 541.