Menometrorrhagia-metrorrhagia refers to light bleeding from the uterus at irregular intervals. menometrorrhagia refers to heavy bleeding from the uterus at irregular intervals.
menorrhagia: refers to excessive or prolonged menstrual bleeding. it is technically defined as blood loss greater than 80 ml per cycle and/or menstrual periods lasting longer than seven days. however, both patients and clinicians are unreliable in their ability to predict the amount of blood loss and measurement of actual blood loss is not practical in a clinical setting. in ovulatory women, menorrhagia is typically due to an anatomic lesion (eg, fibroid) or systemic disease (eg, hemostatic defect) in ovulatory women. anovulation is also a common cause of menorrhagia. (see chronic menorrhagia or anovulatory uterine bleeding.)
amenorrhea: refers to absence of bleeding for at least three usual cycle lengths . (see etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of primary amenorrhea and etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of secondary amenorrhea.)
oligomenorrhea: refers to bleeding that occurs at an interval greater than 35 days.
polymenorrhea: refers to regular bleeding that occurs at an interval less than 24 days.
intermenstrual bleeding bleeding refers to bleeding that occurs between menses or between expected hormone withdrawal bleeds in women using some forms of hormonal contraception or postmenopausal hormone therapy.
premenstrual spotting spotting refers to light bleeding preceding regular menses.
postcoital bleeding refers to vaginal bleeding that is noted within 24 hours of vaginal intercourse