Ideally, a person should drink 8-ounce glasses of water a day. However, the 8x8 rule is not always the case for everybody. Some people will only need to drink 8-ounce glasses of water a day to be hydrated, while in some cases, other people will need more than that. To make this easy to understand, if your weight is 100 pounds, you need to have at least 67 ounces of water a day, 74 ounces if 110 pounds, 80 ounces if 120 pounds, 87 ounces if 130 pounds, 94 ounces if 140 pounds, 100 ounces if 150 pounds, 107 ounces if 160 pounds, 114 ounces if 170 pounds, 121 ounces if 180 pounds, 127 ounces if 190 pounds, 134 ounces if 200 pounds, and 141 ounces if 210 pounds.
This information should not be taken literally, because your physical activity can also affect how much water you need every day. Consult your nutritionist so you can have a comprehensive detail regarding how much water you need every day.