Whenever people speak about Mexican food, they normally think about the areas of Tex-Mex and Cal-Mex. If you are wondering where exactly Mexican food is popular outside Mexico, then the closest answer is California. However, it is also worthy to note that almost all states in the United States have Mexican restaurants available for the public to visit and this is because Mexican dishes are really savory, offering different cooking techniques and flavoring.
Chili, Salsa, fajitas, corn chips, tortilla chips, chimichangas, burritos, quesadilla, and nachos are just some of the famous Mexican dishes that almost everybody loves to eat. You can try out one of the following restaurants: Tacos La Potranca De Jalisco in King City, California, Las Cuatro Milpas in San Diego, and El Farolito and Taqueria Cancun in San Francisco.