Some people would definitely think that Mexican food are filled with fat, sodium and calories, but this is not always the case because there are many Mexican dishes that are low in fat and offer different nutrients that are good for the body.
Here are just some of the few healthy Mexican dishes you can choose from: 1) Guacamole and veggies because they are packed with anti-inflammatory nutrients, 2) Tortilla soup which doesn’t contain a lot of calories, 3) Grilled shrimp salad which contains fiber, protein and omega-3 fatty acids, 4) Lettuce tacos, 5) Grilled fish taco which is full of fiber and protein, 6) Soft chicken tacos, and 7) Vegetarian burrito (although you have to choose brown rice, salsa and low-fat cheese instead of white rice, refried beans, sour cream and full-fat cheese respectively).