Although some people would automatically think about tamales, enchiladas, burritos, quesadilla and taquitos when they hear the term Mexican food, there are a lot of healthy Mexican dishes available today – from appetizer, drinks, salad entrees, tacos, burritos, and to fork and knife entrees.
Here are some of the healthy dishes you can order at any of your favorite Mexican restaurants: Guacamole, avocados, tortilla soup, tequila, grilled shrimp salad, beans, grilled chicken and avocado salad, lettuce tacos, grilled fish tacos, soft chicken tacos, vegetarian burrito, ceviche, and fajitas. These dishes provide different health benefits such and contain a lot of healthy nutrients such as anti-inflammatory nutrients, low in calories, sugar-free additives, healthy omega-3 fatty acids, protein, soluble fiber, metabolism booster, and rich in zinc.