Whenever people mention Mexican food, a lot would always think about tamales, tacos, chips, enchiladas and beans – some of which, if not all, are high in carbs. However, this does not necessarily mean that all Mexican dishes are high in carbs.
There are several low-carbs options you can actually choose from such as the following: Carne salad, fajitas (such as shrimp or chicken fajita), mole (pronounced as mo-ley), chili Verde, tostada salads (except the shell. By all means, skip the shell!), machaca, ceviche, albondigas soup, salads, guacamole, salsa, pico de gallo, jalapeno peppers and cilantro. Try to avoid tacos, nachos, burritos, tortillas, taquitos, quesadilla, falutas, enchiladas, chimichangas, sour cream, Monterey hack cheese, chorizo sausage, and pork carnitas because they are all high in carbohydrates.