Lots of Mexican food contains a high number of calories, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that there are no Mexican dishes that contain the least calories. When you visit a Mexican restaurant, you can always choose low-calorie Mexican dishes. Here are some of the following low-calorie Mexican food: For the main dish, you can always choose fajita, bean burritos, fresco-style burritos, soft tacos and veggie, but try to avoid enchiladas, hard tacos and steak chalupas. Chicken fajita contains 130 calories while cheese enchilada has 232 calories.
For the sauce, salsa has been found to contain lower calories than cheese and sour cream sauces. For the sides, you can choose black beans, but avoid refried beans. If you wish, you can make Mexican dishes at home so you can control the amount of ingredients that you can use and you can also monitor the calories of the food you are going to cook.