There's a whole history, of course, of Mexican food in the United States and how that came to be. It's based on cheese and a lot of meats. When you look at Mexico, all that was introduced after colonization when the Spaniards brought dairy products and cattle. If you look at a rural Mexican diet, it's very plant-based. Meat is used in small portions.
More likely you think of Asian cuisines where there's small bits of meat, not necessarily a huge piece of meat. Real foods we get so excited about, quelites [commonly called lamb's-quarters] and verdolagas [commonly knows as purslane]. These are wild greens. They're super-healthy for you. [Food activist] Michael Pollan actually calls them the two healthiest plants on the planet. These were things that our grandparents knew how to forage and find. So those are some things we're excited to bring back in the conversation.