Which of the following statements regarding NSAIDs drugs are correct? - ProProfs Discuss

Which of the following statements regarding NSAIDs drugs are correct?

Which of the following statements regarding NSAIDs drugs are correct?

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1. Individual drugs differ widely one from another in their potency
2. Their antipyretic effectiveness is the highest in case of fever due to heat stroke
3. Their analgesic effectiveness is the highest in case of visceral or ischemic pain
4. They are generally contraindicated in thromboembolic disorders
5. Their anti-inflammatory effect is most pronounced in the early phase of the inflammatory
6. Most drugs of this class are able to block prostaglandin receptors in the hypothalamus

Asked by Cameron, Last updated: Jan 07, 2025

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John Smith

John Smith

John Smith
John Smith

Answered Sep 09, 2016

Individual drugs differ widely one from another in their potency-2. their anti-inflammatory effect is most pronounced in the early phase of the inflammatoryreaction-potency refers to the dose needed to obtain a given effect. the lower the dose needed thehigher the potency of the drug. nsaids differ widely in their potency. for example, about thesame antiinflammatory effect can be obtained with 10 mg of piroxicam or 500 mg of aspirin.nsaids can counteract the vasodilation, increased vascular permeability and oedema thatcharacterize the early phase of the inflammatory reaction. they have only limited effects oncellular accumulation either in acute or chronic inflammation, an have negligible effects on the b) by inhibiting prostaglandin biosynthesis nsaids promote the return of the hypothalamicthermostat to the normal set point. therefore they can reduce fever due to an excessivestimulation of the hypothalamic thermostat, but they cannot reduce hyperthermia due tohypothalamic damage or malfunction (e.g. heat stroke).c) nsaids can reduce pain due to inflamed tissues (arthritis, etc.), surgery, dysmenorrhea,bone metastases, toothache, headache, but their analgesic effect is low (or even absent) insevere ischemic and visceral pain.d) nsaids are indicated, not contraindicated, in case of thromboembolic disorders, since theydecrease platelet aggregation.f) nsaids block prostaglandin biosynthesis, but have no effect on prostaglandin receptors
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