The Mealworm's scientific name is Tenebrio Molitor Linne, its life cycle is 45-65 Day from egg, larva, pupa to adult, and each phase can be processed to the products. The Mealworm has 58% protein content, many kinds of aminophenol, vitamine, hormone, enzyme and mineralization element like phosphorus, iron, kalium, natrium, calcium and so. HaoCheng Mealworms Inc.
provide the mealworms products dried mealworms, living mealworms, canned mealworms, powder of mealworms and superworms products dried superworms, living superworms, canned superworms and dried fly maggots (prepupae), powder of fly maggots (prepupae), mealworm frass( insect poop) to food company, feed mill, health products company, pet shop, livestock farm, dairy husbandry, zoo, aquafarm, pharmaceutical factory all over the world.