For those who think eating healthy is way too expensive, think again. Meal prepping will save you money because you can buy items in bulk and take advantage of your freezer. When you set aside time to prep your food, think big in terms of volume. Meal prepping is perfect for busy individuals. Once you get the gist of it, it will be a non-negotiable. After making dinner and cleaning up, do you really want to take everything out again to make lunch? While dinner is cooking, pack food for the next day. When focusing on weight loss or muscle gain, you should consider your calories in versus calories out.
When you prep your food in advance, it's a sure way of knowing what you are consuming. Preparing your own meals will give you insight into what a true portion of food is. Remember that you don't have to spend hours in the kitchen for meal prep to happen. Focus on one thing at a time, and nail it before overwhelming yourself with everything all at once.