Perineal body-the perineal body is an irregular fibromuscular mass located at the center of the posterior border of the perineal membrane. it is the site where many muscles converge, including bulbospongiosus, external anal sphincter, and the superficial and deep transverse perineal muscles. this is found only in females; the male homolog for this structure is the central tendinous point.frenulum is a word that refers to a small fold, and there are two in the female perineum, so this isnt even specific enough to be a good answer. the frenulum of the clitoris is a structure lying deep to the clitoris, formed by the deep labia minora. this structure is not near the posterior border of the perineal membrane; it is clearly in the urogenital triangle. there is also a frenulum of the labia minora which is just anterior to the perineal body, also in the urogenital triangle. although the frenulum of the labia minora is sort of superficial to the center of the posterior border of the perineal membrane, the question is asking for a structure that is closely associated with the perineal membrane. this means that structures of the external genitalia will be wrong answers. the posterior labial commissure is another structure of the external genitalia which is located over the posterior border of the perineal membrane, and its also a wrong answer for the same reason. the anococcygeal ligament is a ligament that attaches the external anal sphincter to the coccyx. it is located in the anal triangle. the pubovesicular ligament attaches the bladder to the pubic bone. it is more associated with the pelvic viscera as opposed to the perineum.