Inferior epigastric-the inferior epigastric vessels are found in the preperitoneal fat of the abdomen. they lie just superficial to the peritoneum and form the lateral umbilical fold. hernias may pass lateral or medial to these vessels. if the hernia is lateral to the vessels (which is what happened in this case), it is an indirect inguinal hernia. if the hernia is medial to these vessels, it is a direct inguinal hernia. the deep circumflex artery courses along the iliac crest on the inner surface of the abdominal wall. this artery is very lateral on the abdominal wall, and hernias would pass medial to this vessel. the superficial circumflex iliac, superficial epigastric, and superficial external pudendal arteries are all superficial arteries that arise from the femoral artery. they are all found in the superficial fascia-not in the preperitoneal fat.