Efferent fibers to skin of the forehead efferent fibers to the skin of the forehead might have their cell bodies located in the lateral horn of the t1 level. Because these fibers are at the superior edge of the thoracolumbar outflow (located from t1 to l2), they might go up the chain, synapse at a higher ganglion, and provide sympathetic innervation to the head and face. Afferent fibers would not have their cell bodies located in the lateral horn-afferent sensory fibers have cell bodies in dorsal root ganglia. Efferent fibers to the sweat glands of the lumbar region would be sympathetic fibers, but these cell bodies would be located at the t12, l1, or l2 levels-not at t1. t1 is too high for the lumbar region! Finally, parasympathetic fibers to the heart come from the vagus nerve.