What are the three major developmental thrusts (according to Having - ProProfs Discuss

What are the three major developmental thrusts (according to Having hurst) in middle childhood?

Asked by Jen, Last updated: Sep 01, 2024

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2 Answers

Markda John

Markda John

Markda John
Markda John

Answered Mar 19, 2018

Three major developmental thrusts in early childhood, according to Havighurst, are a thrust out of home into a peer group, a thrust into academic achievement, and a physical thrust into games and work. Havighurst actually has nine major thrusts here, but there are many of the same ideas here as there are in the nine that you will find in any of the three mentioned in this answer.

The nine tasks of Havighurst for middle childhood include learning physical skills for games; building wholesome attitudes towards oneself as a growing organism; learning to get along with those of the same age; and achieving personal independence. These are only four of the nine tasks that Havighurst has put forth for middle childhood.

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Answered Sep 15, 2017

Thrust into academic achievement
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