Project status-project status is an output of information distribution. information distribution ensures
that the project stakeholders get information related to the project health in a timely
manner. the project status is a report that reviews the project. project status may be
generated at periodic intervals by the project management team, and these intervals are
mentioned in the communication management plan. therefore, project status is one of
the organizational process asset updates that server as an output of the information
distribution process.
the project plan is an output of the develop project management plan process,
which is a part of project integration management. the project plan is one of the inputs
to the information distribution process. while updates to the project plan can be an
output of information distribution, the plan itself is not.
the project charter is a document issued by the senior management. it authorizes
the project manager to start project activities. the project charter is an output of the
develop project charter process.
the communication management plan is an output of the communications
planning process. this plan is one of the inputs to the information distribution process.
the communication management plan outlines how all project communication, both
internal and external, will be coordinated and managed throughout the life of the project.