50 times 2 - 30 - Assaying means you can check dna count: g1/g0 is unreplicated, s is partially replicated, g2 is fully replicated.
Both DNA strands replicated end to end: polymerase moves down DNA while ligase bonds nucleotides. New strands h-bond to template and new helixes are cut/respliced for separation. Proofreading: polymerase/ligase splice in new sequences where genetic mutations have arisen - 8 min, 12 hr, 24 hr, 1 yr - (fast) resting phases that allow for cytoplasmic cell growth minimized since division occurs without cell growth. CDK induce downstream processes by phosphorylating selected proteins on serines/threonines. Cyclins bind cdk, control their ability to phosphorylate. Mitotic cyclins bin CDK during g2, regulate entry into m phase. g1 cyclins bind cdk during g1, regulate entry into s phase