There are numbers of alcoholic beverages that do not contain sugar. Sugar is a form of carbohydrate that is usually avoided by people who are on a strict diet. People who also have diabetes or watch their calorie intake seriously need to know what booze they can enjoy. Vodka, whiskey, tequila, rum, and gin have 0 grams of sugar or carbs.
These drinks will only have sugar content and/or increase their calories if they are mixed with soda or juice. If you are on a low-carb diet or a friend of yours is diabetic, you can still enjoy a Saturday night drinking with your gang. And remember to always drink moderately.
When cutting sugars out of diets, many people try to avoid alcoholic drinks because of their high sugar levels. It tends to be the drinks with a lower alcohol percentage that have a higher level of sugar while the harder alcohols such as vodka, rum, gin or whiskey contain zero grams of carbs or sugars per ounce.
If someone is wanting to continue drinking while limiting sugars, it is easier to avoid by not drinking mixed drinks. Mixed drinks have additional sugars added to the drink as well as a higher number of calories compared to the simple harder alcohols.