Which food has the most protein? - ProProfs Discuss

Which food has the most protein?

Asked by D.Hadenr, Last updated: Aug 07, 2024

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Answered Sep 28, 2017

Protein is one of the most important nutrients that your body needs. Protein is necessary for so many functions of the body, as well as maintaining proper growth of your body. The most protein dense foods include meats such as fish, turkey, chicken, beef and wild game, and dairy products like cheese, yogurt, milk and eggs. The highest protein dense food is fish like cod, tuna and salmon.

Protein is one of the most important nutrients that your body needs. Protein is necessary for so
These fish contain approximately 17 grams of protein in only 3 ounces, making it easier to reach your suggested daily value of protein. Keeping a high protein level in your diet will also keep hunger pains and cravings at bay.

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