Which of the following statements regarding retrospective image reconstruction is false?
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The algorithm, matrix size, and DFOV may all be changed; The slice thickness and SFOV may be changed; Scan (raw) data must be available; Retrospective image reconstuction may be used to adjust the center of the displayed image.
Retrospective image reconstruction is also known as CT reconstruction because CT stands for Computed Tomography. Tomographic reconstruction refers to the amount of projections needed for a certain system. This involved mathematics and X-rays involved when conducting a CT reconstruction. A formula is needed to make sure the tomographic measurement is correct. When an image is needed, then the algorithms needed to be reconstructed.
There is also software that can be used to do the retrospective image reconstruction. Some of the algorithms include the Fourier Domain Reconstruction Algorithm, Back Projection Algorithm and Iterative Reconstruction Algorithm. In CT Reconstruction, the slice thickness refers to the slice spacing. In regard to the retrospective image reconstruction, slice thickness and SFOV may not be changed.
The slice thickness and SFOV may be changed (b) Retrospective reconstruction uses scan or raw data to change the matrix, DFOV, center, and algorithm used for a CT image. The slice thickness and SFOV are specifically used for data acquistion and cannot be altered retrospectively.