The question warrants different answers. Kalidasa was a classical Sanskrit writer during the 5th century CE and he was considered as the greatest writer, poet and dramatist in that language. There were many speculations as to where Kalidasa lived, but majority of these speculations point out that he may have lived near the Himalayas because of his detailed description of the place in his epic poem entitled Kumarasambhavam.
He wrote three plays such as Malavikagnimitram or Malavika and Agnimitra, Abhijnanasakuntalam or Shakuntala and Vikramorvasiyam or Urvashi Won by Valour. He also wrote two poems entitled Raghuvamsa or Dynasta of Raghu and Kumarasambhava or Birth of Kumara. He also wrote two minor poems entitled Rtusamhara or Ritusamhara and Meghaduta or Cloud Messenger.