The correct answers for the question: “What are the two masters works in Greek literature?” are letters A and B. However, just because we picked The Iliad, the Odyssey and The Aeneid doesn’t necessarily mean that they are the only works considered as masterpieces in Greek literature. To make this easier to understand, it is just right to say that there are four major periods in Greek literature – preclassical, classical, Hellenistic-Roman and Byzantine period.
The Iliad and the Odyssey were both produced during the preclassical and classical period – the Iliad talks about the infamous Trojan War while the Odyssey talks about Odysseus and his journey after the fall of Troy. Both the Iliad and the Odyssey were written by Homer. The Aeneid was created during the Hellenistic period by Roman and talks about Aeneas and his story of how he became the ancestor of the Romans.