The four elements of architecture are as follows:
• Hearth: For centuries, a hearth was referred to as a stone or brick lined fireplace that was the center of the home and provides fire to cook food as well as heat the home. Gottfried Semper explained it saying “The first sign of settlement and rest after the hunt, the battle, and wandering in the desert…”
• Roof: The roof was one of the most important parts of the structure, providing a warm and dry shelter for those living within
• Enclosure: The enclosure is in reference to the walls and the materials they are made of. While some used to be made of simple items such as woven sticks, shelters are now made with more solid materials such as concrete, wood, and steel.
• Mound: this refers to the land on which the building is set. A home or building must be built upon a firm foundation to prevent collapsing.