Zebras are mammals. The scientific name of the classification "mammals" is mammalia. This is the name of the class that zebras belong to. The classification, from there, runs down to the genus Equus. The zebra has lots of interesting qualities to it. There are only three Speices of zebras that are alive today, and one known zebra species that has gone extinct - the quagga zebra.
There is currently a project to bring the quagga zebra back, but there has been little progress thus far. The other three species of zebra are the Grevy's zebra, the mountain zebra, and the plains zebra. Due to a legacy of being hunted for their striped skins and a history of humans destroying their homes, these zebras are being threatened on a daily basis.
Zebras are mammals. The scientific name of the classification “mammals” is mammalia. This is the name of the class that zebras belong to. The classification, from there, runs down to the genus equus. The zebra has a lot of interesting qualities to it. There are only three species of zebra that are alive today, and one known zebra species that has gone extinct - the quagga zebra.
There is currently a project to bring the quagga zebra back, but there has been little progress thus far. The other three species of zebra are the Grevy’s zebra, the mountain zebra, and the plains zebra. Due to a legacy of being hunted for their striped skins and a history of humans destroying their homes, these zebras are being threatened on a daily basis.