Borborygmi is just one of several types of sounds known “bowel sounds.” The movement of the intestines causes abdominal sounds as they push food through. The intestines are hollow, so bowel sounds echo through the abdomen much like the sounds are the noises made by the intestines.
The actual rumbling sound in the stomach is called borborygmus. Typical sources of borborygmi include hunger and gas from the break down of undigested food — hyperactive bowel sounds. Borborygmi refers to more frequent sounds heard in clients who have not eaten.
The presence within the intestines of gas is of medical importance. Borborygmi is operated from belching, bloating, and the passing of intestinal gas, Sometimes they are long gurgles. These sounds are transmitted across the abdomen.
Hyperactive bowel sounds-borborygmi (stomach growling) refers to more frequent sounds (hyperactive) heard in clients who have not eaten for a few hours and in conditions of increased intestinal activity such as diarrhea.
a bruit is a blowing or swishing sound heard over arteries that are narrowed or have turbulent blood flow.
borborygmi are usually normal bowel sounds. in the presence of a bowel obstruction, the bowel sounds would be high-pitched, tinkling, or absent.
hypoactive bowel sounds are bowel sounds occurring less than the normal 5-30 times per minute.