The body of water which lies to the Russian domain is composed of different seas from West to East such as: Barents Sea which is a marginal sea of the Arctic Ocean and is located between Norwegian and Russian territorial waters. It has a surface area of 1,400,000 square kilometers with an average depth of 750 ft. Kara Sea is located north of Siberia with a surface area of 926,000 square kilometer and an average depth of 430 ft. Laptev Sea is located between Siberia, the Taimyr Peninsula, Severnaya Zemiya and the New Siberian Islands. It has a surface area of 700,000 square kilometers and an average depth of 1,896 ft.
East Siberian Sea is located between the Arctic Cape, Siberia, the New Siberian Islands, Cape Billings and Wrangel Island. It was a surface area of 987,000 square kilometers and an average depth of 190 ft. Chukchi Sea is located on Long Srait, Wrangel Island and east of Alaska. It has a surface area of 620,000 square kilometers and an average depth of 260 ft.