The two subfamilies of Niger-Congo, a dominant language family, are Niger-Congo and Kordofanian and the most pervasive in geographic realm is the Niger-Congo. Niger-Congo is pervasive because it’s spread over a small geographic area. In fact, there are many major language families in the world and Niger-Congo is considered to be the third largest language family in the whole world with more than 1,500 languages being used such as the Kordofanian spoken in the southern central part of Sudan.
Atlantic spoken in Senegal, Fula and Sahel, Kru spoken in West Africa, Senufo spoken in Mali and Ivory Coast, Gur spoken in More, Adamawa in Cameroon, Kwa in Ghana, Volta-Niger in Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Yoruba and Nigeria and Benue-Congo in Swahili, Fang, Kongo, Zulu.