The major themes of geography are as follows: Location, place, region, movement and human-environment interaction. Geography is the study of the physical features of Earth – composition, its layers, the atmosphere, plants, animals, rivers and mountains – and its interactions between human beings. In terms of the major themes of geography, location describes a particular place on Earth. It is extremely important in geography because knowing where a place is located makes it easier to pinpoint its economic characteristics. Place is a term used to describe the human and physical aspects of a location – its land size, the number of population and the environmental situation of a specific place.
Region is the study of the geographic feature and boundaries of a certain place – cities, provinces, continents and countries are a few examples of the study of region. Movement pertains to the movement of Earth and humans. This includes where we produce and sell goods, immigration and emigration. Human-environment interaction deals with how human beings adapt, depend and modify according to our environment.