Gorillas are one of the most intelligent animal species, and also have very human-like social patterns. There have been many gorillas in captivity that have been taught the skill of sign language to be able to communicate with their handler, and also have made very deep and emotional connections to humans.
While in the wild, a gorillas’ natural habitat is the tropical or subtropical forests in Africa. A fullgrown wild male gorilla weight anywhere between 300 to 430 pounds and measure up to almost 6 feet tall, while the female gorilla weighs about half of a male (150-250 pounds) and are shorter.
Gorilla's are one of the most intelligent species around today. (It can not be dolphin because it is not on the list but I think that dolphins are as smart as gorillas.)
Dolphin’s are one of the smartest animals in the world they are known to teach each other, they can organise themselves to work in a team, and they even mourn the deaths of other dolphins.
Dolphin’ have displayed the ability to understand and solve complex problems, and will even choose the I don’t know option when they can’t work out the answer, something many humans still haven’t worked out how to do.