Even if a patient is suffering from severe pain, the nurse should make sure that the dosage that will be given to the patient will not hurt the patient further in any way. The best answer to this question is D. There is a need to obtain the baseline vital signs before the first dose can be administered to the patient.
This will make sure that the patient is ready to take the dosage. After the initial dosage has been injected, the nurse will continue to monitor the patient’s vital signs. Take note that morphine is used even for clients who are not able to tolerate fluids as morphine will be able to numb the pain quite effectively.
Obtaining baseline vital signs before administering the first dose -the nurse should obtain the clients baseline blood pressure and pulse and respiratory rates before administering the initial dose and then continue to monitor vital signs throughout therapy. a naloxone challenge test may be administered before using a narcotic antagonist, not a narcotic agonist. the nurse shouldnt discontinue a narcotic agonist abruptly because withdrawal symptoms may occur. morphine commonly is used as a continuous infusion in clients with severe pain regardless of the ability to tolerate fluids.