Which client instruction should be provided by the nurse after the stapedectomy?
A male client with a conductive hearing disorder caused by ankylosis of the stapes in the oval window undergoes a stapedectomy to remove the stapes and replace the impaired bone with a prosthesis.
After a stapedectomy, you shouldn’t fly in an airplane, climb to high altitudes, make sudden movements, or expose yourself to loud sounds for 30 days after the stapedectomy.
A stapedectomy is a surgical technique in which the innermost of the three bones of the middle ear are removed, and then replaced with a small plastic tube of stainless-steel wire to improve the movement of the sound to the inner ear. Stapedectomy is an operation to remove the fixed stapes and to replace it with a prosthesis.
“don’t fly in an airplane, climb to high altitudes, make sudden movements, or expose yourself to loud sounds for 30 days.â€-for 30 days after a stapedectomy, the client should avoid air travel, sudden movements that may cause trauma, and exposure to loud sounds and pressure changes (such as from high altitudes). immediately after surgery, the client should lie flat with the surgical ear facing upward; nose blowing is permitted but should be done gently and on one side at a time. the clients first attempt at postoperative ambulation should be supervised to prevent falls caused by vertigo and light-headedness. the client must avoid shampooing and swimming to keep the dressing and the ear dry.