There are so many possible things that may occur when computers become more advanced. Right now, computers will do what you would ask them to do. If you want it to run certain applications, it will wait for your prompt to run them. You can do this by clicking on the app that you want to open.
In the future, computers may open applications depending on what you think you need or what you normally open. They may also have the ability to do more advanced processes. For example, they can do fingerprinting whenever there are some secure details that you need to view with the use of your computer. They may also be used more for analyzing certain types of information.
Analyzing the small history of the computers, they havemanaged to come across all the way from a slow and size of a room to a compact 2kg book size laptop.However, predicting the future of computers in next 20 years is difficult but one thing is for sure that in coming times computers are going to control most of the things around us from power grids to our social administrative processes.