The elderly get abused more often than people would realize. Why they sustain different forms of abuse, the most common is C. Financial abuse is very common right now. A lot of elderly people have lived full lives and have enough money in order to sustain their needs while they are retired.
This fact may cause people to take advantage of the elderly whether accidentally or intentionally. There are some abusers who force the elderly to give up properties or assets that the elderly do not wish to give just yet.
The elderly may also get emotionally abused because some people do not care about their feelings anymore. A lot of the elderly are neglected because people feel that they cannot provide anything to people anymore.
Anika Nicole, Wordsmith, PG In Journalism, New York
Answered Jun 29, 2018
It's Financial.
Elder abuse is an act in which an abuser (known or trusted) causes harm to an older person unintentionally or deliberately. And there are various forms of elder abuse but the most common one is Financial Abuse at Seniors Rights Victoria.
In Financial Abuse, abuser uses someone's money and property illegally or forcefully against the wish of the property owner.
In 1994 physical abuse accounted for 15.7 percent, emotional abuse for 7.3 percent, financial and material exploitation for 12.3 percent, neglect for 58.5 percent, and unknown or other types of abuse for the remainder of the total abuse of elders.
In order of categories neglect, physical abuse, financial/material exploitation, emotional abuse