The terms below are defined as follows:
Acceptable risk of assessing control risk too low (ARACR). The risk the auditor is willing to take of accepting a control as effective or a rate of monetary misstatements as tolerable, when the true population exception rate is greater than the tolerable exception rate.
Computed upper exception rate (CUER) : The highest estimated exception rate in the population at a given aracr.
Estimated Population Exception Rate (EPER): The exception rate the auditor expects to find in the population before testing begins. it is necessary to plan the appropriate sample size.
Sample exception rate (SER): The actual rate of exception discovered in the sample. Itis calculated by dividing the actual number of exceptions in the sample by the sample size.
Tolerable exception rate (TER): The exception rate the auditor will permit in the population and still be willing to use the assessed control risk and/or the amount of monetary misstatements in the transactions established during planning.