The Cisco switch is also known as a catalyst. This Catalyst is the brand name for the switches used in networks. They are used as part of the operating systems and it allows certain software programs to run and function. One of those systems is the CatO S which is also known as the Catalyst Operating System. It is no longer used.
Some of the actions performed by a Cisco switch include using the source MAC addresses of frames to build and maintain a MAC address table. It was also created to utilize the MAC address table to forward frames via the destination MAC address. MAC address refers to the media access control address which are used by networks for communication reasons.
The Cisco switch is in charge of creating a network. These networks can be connected to each other with the use of routers. There are some people who sometimes interchange routers and switches but they are different.
This time, the Cisco switch is in charge of the following actions: to use the source MAC addresses to frame and build action and maintain a MAC address table and finally, to use the MAC address table to forward frames using the given MAC address.
Using the source MAC addresses of frames to build and maintain a MAC address table Utilizing the MAC address table to forward frames via the destination MAC address