Anton szandor lavey-interesting fact about lavey: if you have an album copy of the eagles hotel california have a look at the inside cover. look for a balcony. on the balcony you will see a man holding a devil by a leash. the man holding the leash is anton lavey. no im not paranoid, its really him although unfortunately i cannot find the story behind why and how he got there, though strangely enough the lyrics to hotel california mirror in a very thinly disguised fashion of the early history of the church of satan and the woes of an initiate. not to suggest that the eagles were satan worshippers in any way; i am a great fan but a great sceptic of almost all conspiracy theories. i figure if lavey could have had a verifiable affair with marilyn monroe he may have been able to insinuate himself into other celebrity circles via his magic circle group meetings which were popular within various san francisco society circles for a number of years.